Tag Archives: writing fiction

Books set in ancient Greece and Rome

Earlier this month, I gave an online workshop for Romance Writers of America. The topic of the workshop was Ancient Greece and Rome. I was asked what my favorite historical romances were in those time periods. The workshop was Digging … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure, Anthropology, Book Reviews, Creative Writing, Genre Writing, Literary Exploration, Reading, Research, Science Fiction, Writing Craft & Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

It’s Time for Writing Alchemy

It’s Time for Writing Alchemy   Hey, Writers! Welcome to 2018! I hope you had a fantastic winter break if you took one – I did! Happy to say that my foot is recovered. Thank goodness for that! This year, … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Creative Writing, Divantinum, Lifestyle & Insights, My Writings, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Gift for Writers: Science Fiction Romance Writing Prompts

  Enjoyed this? Buy my books.

Posted in Adventure, Creative Writing, Genre Writing, Gifts for Writers and Readers, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

From the Archive: Secret to My Success

When I was in 10th grade, I played sports, did most of my homework, and worked a job after school to help out with costs. I was a latchkey kid, and often saw the TV more than I did my … Continue reading

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Writer Challenge 2017

Are you up for a fun writing challenge? Enjoyed this? Buy my books.

Posted in Challenges, Creative Writing, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Imagery and Theme in “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Minister’s Black Veil”

IMAGERY AND THEME IN “YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN” AND “THE MINISTER’S BLACK VEIL” Darlene Reilley   According to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s character, Young Goodman Brown, “’There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name’” (“YGB” 329). Hawthorne’s dark writing … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews, Creative Writing, Literary Exploration, My Writings, Reading, Writing Craft & Tips | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Coffee Talk and Writer Secrets #3

  Hey, writer. How’s it going? I hope you’re having a fabulous week and are looking forward to work and everything else life has to offer. But I’ve got a question for you, and for being brave, I’ll let you … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Writing, Office and Organization, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

My Top 3 Writer Insecurities and 3 Things to Combat Them

    Hey, writers! How are you doing? Did you write last week? Are you writing this week? Today we are covering a special topic, one that applies to every writer I have ever met from newbies to professionals. I … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Creative Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Writing Craft & Tips | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Train to Writing: a Writer’s Journey

If you’ve ever dove off a cliff into a lake, you know the most terrifying moment isn’t when you’re safe on the ground looking down, it’s the moment after you’ve stepped off the ledge and you think, oh, shit, I hope I don’t hit a rock. Then the water rushes as you plunge down to it and you hit and sink and pray. Writing is like that. Confession: recently I’ve questioned who I am as a writer and if I have the chops and want to do this job. Continue reading

Posted in Adventure, Author's Journey, Creative Writing, Divantinum, Lifestyle & Insights, Literary Exploration, My Writings, Travel, Writing Craft & Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tameri Etherton Update

Tameri sent us a shot of her portable writing station in Scotland! I can see you writing there! And what inspiration for a clean and ordered desk! Happy writing, Tameri and thanks for thinking of us! Darlene

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