Meet Gaia

Welcome, future readers! Get ready to embark on an epic journey through the stars with Gaia Jackson, the intrepid protagonist of my upcoming sci-fi series, The Divantinum Project. Let’s explore who Gaia is, her world, and what makes her tick.

Gaia Jackson, the protagonist of The Divantinum Series.

Who is Gaia?

  • Full Name: Gaia Alessa Charis Jackson
  • Age: 16 Earth years (equivalent to 36 in her native years)
  • Race: Goddess/Canasalian
  • Home Planet: Earth
  • Occupation: Anthropology Student and Research Assistant


Gaia Jackson’s life began in the clandestine society of the Canasalians, a hidden alien community covertly residing on Earth. Born as the second daughter to the Canasalian religious and military leaders, Gaia’s existence was marked by responsibility and significance from the start.

At the tender age of 6 Earth years (16 in Canasalian reckoning), Gaia experienced a profound vision. The vision foretold of a dire fate for her people unless she took action, prompting her to flee her community in a desperate attempt to avoid disaster.

In a courageous move to protect herself and her loved ones, Gaia beseeched her ancestor, the Goddess Cana, for help. Granting her request, the Goddess stripped Gaia of her powers and her memory, allowing her to grow up with some semblance of normalcy. Adopted by Dr. Jackson (Dr. J), a compassionate anthropologist and archaeologist, Gaia found solace and purpose in academia and research, unknowingly drawn to her enigmatic heritage.

 Though unaware of her true origins, Gaia’s journey with Dr. J nurtured her intellect and adventurous spirit. Despite her amnesia, glimpses of her innate qualities—leadership potential, spiritual depth, and warrior instincts—occasionally surfaced, hinting at the extraordinary legacy within her.

Personality Traits

  • Adventurous: Gaia embodies resilience, facing challenges head-on with courage and determination. She’s not afraid to take risks and push the boundaries of exploration.
  • Intelligent: Despite her apparent youth, Gaia’s intellect surpasses her years. A natural problem-solver, she approaches situations with sharp wit and insightful reasoning, often surprising those around her.  
  • Conflicted: Wrestling with a sense of displacement and identity, Gaia seeks to reconcile her past with her present. She grapples with her inner turmoil as she navigates the complexities of her heritage and the challenges of the world around her.

Physical Description

  • Appearance: Gaia possesses soulful grey eyes and long blonde hair, a reflection of her unique heritage. She exudes a blend of athleticism and bookish charm, occasionally displaying endearing clumsiness. A birthmark in the shape of a white spiral adorns the back of her neck.  
  • Style: Gaia dresses for comfort and practicality, preferring attire that allows her to move freely during her adventures. She typically wears khaki cargo pants, a tan tank top, and a soft green cotton sweater, along with her trusty backpack filled with essentials for her expeditions.

Special Skills and Abilities

  • Eidetic Memory: Gaia possesses the remarkable ability to recall anything she reads with exceptional clarity, a skill that proves invaluable in her academic pursuits and research endeavors.
  • Linguistic Aptitude: Fluent in multiple languages, including English, French, Egyptian, and Greek, Gaia adapts to diverse linguistic landscapes, enhancing her ability to communicate and connect with others.
  • Anthropological Insight: Gaia’s deep understanding of anthropology and archaeology allows her to decipher cultural nuances and historical contexts with precision. Her keen insights into human behavior and societal structures provides invaluable guidance on her journey.
  • Archaeological Expertise: With a knack for uncovering ancient artifacts and unraveling mysteries of the past, Gaia’s archaeological skills prove indispensable in her quest for truth and discovery.
  • Historical Knowledge: Gaia’s extensive knowledge of history, spanning civilizations and epochs, serves as a powerful tool in navigating the complexities of her world. Her grasp of historical events and their implications shapes her understanding of the present and guides her actions toward a brighter future.
  • Elemental Mastery (Potential): Inherited from her Goddess lineage, Gaia possesses the potential to control the elements—Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Aether. As her journey unfolds, she will learn to harness these elemental forces, unlocking new dimensions of power within herself and shaping the course of her destiny

Concept Art

Character concept art, Gaia Jackson, the Divantinum Project.
Concept art for Gaia Jackson, The Divantinum Project

Role in the Story

Gaia is the protagonist of “The Divantinum Project,” a gripping tale of discovery, destiny, and determination. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers she’s not an orphan but the daughter of two aliens. As she uncovers the mysteries of her heritage, Gaia realizes she holds the key to her people’s future and Earth’s fate.  

Gaia’s main goals are clear: she must reclaim the elemental powers she gave up as a child—Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Aether—and find the elusive Lightstone, which could lead her people back to their lost home planet. But the path ahead is dangerous, filled with enemies from the Intergalactic Jikadi Skitádi Corporation, who want to stop her at all costs.

In the midst of danger and uncertainty, Gaia finds herself drawn to Maxwell, her guardian and protector. He has watched over her in secret her entire life, guiding her from the shadows with a silent devotion that speaks volumes. As they face the challenges ahead together, their bond deepens into a romance the blossoms amid the chaos.

Despite the obstacles and the grim outlook for Earth’s future, Gaia remains steadfast in her determination to protect her home and its inhabitants. Fueled by her love for Maxwell and her unwavering courage, she fights for a future where hope triumphs over despair.

Her most cherished wish is not just for an airscreen of her own, but for a future where she and Maxwell can be together, united in their quest to save Earth and their people.

Fun Facts

  • Best Friend: Leaky, an enormous black dog with a mysterious past, resembling a mix between a wolf and a husky. Leaky must share his own secret with Gaia.
  • Favorite Food: Gaia’s guilty pleasure is a loaded pizza topped with tots, bacon, fried eggs, and jalapenos.
  • Favorite Drink: Indulges in Swoopy, a caramel-colored decadence with pink bubbles.
  • Hobbies: Gaia’s interests include archaeology, running to clear her mind and stay fit, and spending quality time with Leaky.
  • Quirks: An ambivert who enjoys her own company but also values deep connections with others. Finds solace in studying anthropology theories when nervous, a calming ritual.
  • Favorite Quote: “My life was totally normal until he barged in.”

A Message from Gaia

Hey there, fellow adventurers!

I’m Gaia, your intrepid anthropologist thrust into a whirlwind of cosmic revelations and high-stakes adventures. Life took a sharp turn when Maxwell, my mysterious guardian, unveiled the truth—I’m not your average Earthling, but the offspring of two extraterrestrial beings, destined for a destiny written in the stars.

But let me tell you, things have been anything but ordinary around here. From Maxwell’s sudden appearance to alien attacks and daring escapes, my days are now filled with danger and intrigue at every turn. Leaky, my best friend with a knack for mischief, has been by my side through it all, his secrets adding another layer of mystery to our already chaotic lives.

When I’m not dodging enemy fire or trying to work the elements, you’ll find me poring over ancient texts and unraveling the secrets of our history. And if you’re up for a thrill, join me on this quest—I promise it’ll be an experience you won’t soon forget.

So, buckle up and prepare for the unknown, fellow explorers. The journey ahead is perilous, but with courage in our hearts and curiosity as our guide, we’ll navigate the mysteries and uncover truths beyond our wildest imagination.

Until our paths cross again,

Gaia Jackson

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