Meet Leaky

Meet Leaky, a Perilini Warrior with a heart as big as the universe and a love for his girl, Gaia.

Leaky, the Divantinum Project

Who is Leaky?

  • Name: Leaky
  • Species: Perilini Warrior
  • Home Planet: Earth
  • Occupation: Best Friend to Gaia and Undercover ECA operative


Leaky comes from a world where danger lurks around corners and survival isn’t a walk in the park. He lost his folks when he was just a pup, but it was a kind-hearted girl, Gaia, who took her under his care and gave him a new family. Turns out, there’s more to him than meets the eye—he’s not the average run-of-the-mill mutt, but a warrior from the stars with a destiny all his own.

Personality Traits

  • Leaky isn’t a talker in his dog-form, but actions speak louder than words.
  • When trouble comes, he’s right there to help his Gaia out.
  • He’s loyal, brave, and fiercely protective.
  • But don’t let his tough exterior fool you—he’s got a soft spot for cuddles and belly rubs from his BFF.

Physical Description

Leaky is a shapeshifter who embodies two forms: as a loyal canine companion and as a Perilini Warrior. In his dog form, he’s a mix of wolf and husky, with a sleek black coat and piercing eyes that mirror his unwavering devotion to Gaia. When the need arises, Leaky undergoes a transformation, his fur shifting to reveal intricate swirls of blue and silver, marking him as a member of the enigmatic Perilini race. This duality encapsulates his essence as both a faithful friend and a formidable protector.

Special Abilities

Leaky isn’t an average pooch—he has tricks up his sleeves, or should we say, under his tentacles. He presents as a furry friend, but really he’s a Perilini Warrior through and through, with powers that’ll surprise even Gaia.

Concept Art

Role in the Story

By Gaia’s side, Leaky is muscle and backbone, always ready to lend a tentacle when things go south. They’re partners in adventure, facing whatever the universe throws their way with grit and determination.

Fun Facts:

  • Best Friend: Gaia.
  • Favorite Food: juniper berries, meaty bones, juicy treats, yum, yum
  • Favorite Drink: cool water, slurp, slurp
  • Hobbies: Walk beach, chase otters, explore with Gaia, snuggling close, close
  • Quirks: I’s fierce and friendly, mysterious and playful. I’s keep Gaia safe, safe

Message from Leaky:

Me Leaky. Leaky.

Protect Gaia. Protect Gaia.

Fun, furry, fierce! Fun, furry, fierce!

You’s mine, mine.

I’s yours, yours.

Love, love,


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