The Writer Reset

The Writer Reset

Introducing “The Writer Reset” – a transformative tool designed to rejuvenate your writing process, taking you from hot mess to focused writer.

Step 1: Set the Stage

Gather your essential tools: index cards, highlighters, journal, and pens. Treat yourself to a refreshing drink and set the mood with inspiring reset music. Light a candle to set the mood.

Begin by clearing your desk and bookshelves. These small wins will help set you up for success and pave the way for larger achievements. Organize all your loose papers into one pile.

Get into a creative mindset with a focused meditation or relaxation exercise. (Add a simple meditation here).

Step 2: BOP It – Brainstorm, Organize, and Prioritize

Shut the door. Immerse yourself in a focused and energizing brainstorming session. Let your ideas flow freely by creating a brain dump of information – no holes barred. Unleash your ideas, look over your open tasks, create new tasks, and paw through your processes on the page.

If you’re blocked, draw inspiration from your current reading materials, movies, music, shows, or YouTube videos.

Then get back to your brain dump. Focus on your main writing goals, reflect on past challenges, and generate fresh ideas using a mind map. Dedicate the time to address business tasks and craft tasks.

Afterward, organize your thoughts into separate containers and prioritize them using the A, B, C method. This will ensure clarity on their significance to your creative process.

Step 3: Reframe – Art Goals and Business Tasks

Shift your perspective. Identify the most important tasks and goals related to your creative endeavors. Distinguish between art goals and business tasks, collecting them in two distinct containers.

Consolidate all these items into a comprehensive task list. Set specific, actionable goals for the upcoming week. Break down your goals into manageable steps and calendar them.

Additionally, curate a list of what you want to read, watch, listen to, and learn in the coming week, enriching your creative journey.

Step 4: Affirmation and Reward

Create a powerful affirmation for the week that encapsulates your writer’s identity and aspirations. For example, “I am a writer dedicated to embracing artistic growth while nurturing my business.” Embrace this affirmation as your guiding mantra. By completing this reset, you gain a clear perspective moving forward. Take some time to recharge and relax after your productive session. Treat yourself to a well-deserved reward and take a moment to recharge and relax after your productive session. Eat a cookie, writer’s snack, or any small pleasure because you’ve earned it.

As an additional element, include what you are currently reading, watching, listening to, and learning. This helps you stay connected with the literary world and continuously expand your knowledge base.

With the “The Writer Reset” tool, you can declutter your mind, clarify your goals, and set the stage for productive and inspired writing sessions. Get ready to unlock your creative potential and embark on a fulfilling writing journey!


For future exploration, consider these recommended books: Books: “On Writing” by Stephen King, “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White, “Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott, “Stein on Writing” by Sol Stein, and “The War of Art” by Stephen Pressfield.

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