Category Archives: Freelance Writing

DarWrites Update

Hey there, fantastic readers and fellow writers! Hope your year is off to a great start! Let me catch you up on the whirlwind of excitement that’s been brewing in my world since we last connected! So, 2024 has been … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure, Anthropology, Author's Journey, Business Growth, Content Writing, Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Genre Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Literary Exploration, My Writings, Office and Organization, Reading, Research, Science Fiction, Workshops, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Discover, Author, and Roam: Navigating the Blogging Landscape

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration for Readers and Writers Dear wordsmiths, Welcome back to “Discover, Author, and Roam,” where we continue our journey into the realm of writing, creation, and exploration! Today, we shift our gaze towards the art of … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Content Writing, Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Literary Exploration, Reading, Writing Craft & Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Discover, Author Roam: Science Fiction Inspiration

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration for Readers and Writers Greetings, intrepid voyagers of the cosmos! This week’s inspiration comes from an awesome science fiction writer: Kathy Tyers. I had to write an article for one of my college classes and … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Geek Culture Adventures, Literary Exploration, Reading, Science Fiction | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Discover, Author, Roam: September 14, 2023

Facebook Instagram Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration for Readers and Writers Greetings, intrepid voyagers of the cosmos! Can you believe that half of the month is already gone? One second, it’s September 1, and then next it’s the 14th. Where … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Discover, Author, and Roam: Welcome September

Facebook Instagram Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration for Readers and Writers Greetings, intrepid voyagers of the cosmos! Welcome to September. As we start the new month, let’s explore the literary landscape. Discover Reading Adventure: This week, I was going to … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Business Growth, Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Literary Exploration, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Empowering Female Writers: Strategies for Entrepreneurial Prosperity

The legacy of womanhood is a tapestry woven with stories of creativity, progress, and resilience. Trailblazing women have left a mark on history. By embracing this legacy, we honor the achievements of our foremothers and ignite a powerful force that inspires us forward. Women can and should empower each other, share wisdom and support, and amplify the voices of women who dream and innovate. Women entrepreneurs draw strength from the collective power of womanhood to create their own success stories. Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Business Growth, Content Writing, Creating Graphics, Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Literary Exploration, Networking, Nonfiction, Office and Organization, Reading, Travel, Travel Writing, Writing Craft & Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Discover, Author, Roam: From Middle-Earth to Multiverses

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration for Writers Hello, bookish collective! Discover: Books and Media Literary Treasures: “On Writing” by Stephen King is a part-memoir, part-guidebook that provides valuable insights into the art and craft of writing. King shares his personal … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Business Growth, Creating Graphics, Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Geek Culture Adventures, Lifestyle & Insights, Literary Exploration, Writing Craft & Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unlock Business Growth: 5 Key Steps to Partner with a Content Writer

Darlene Reilley In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, time is a precious resource. Striking a balance between managing your blog responsibilities and handling vital tasks like strategizing your business, executing plans, managing finances, developing products and services, driving sales, enhancing … Continue reading

Posted in Business Growth, Content Writing, Freelance Writing, Work with Me | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Discover the Ultimate 48-Hour Check-In Tool for Writers

Elevate your writing career and achieve consistent growth with a game-changing 48-hour check-in tool. Discover how to utilize the Bullet Journal and Pomodoro Sessions for focused reflection, goal setting, and productivity. Are you a writer in search of a powerful … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Writing Craft & Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Things to Know When You’re Rebooting

My latest adventure includes writing for Medium. This is new to me, but I think it will let me explore a few areas I want to and have a little more fun! Check out my first post, Things to Know … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Freelance Writing, My Writings, Nonfiction, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment