Category Archives: Writing Life

Setting Benchmarks for Writers

Hey there, fellow Bookdragons! Grab your favorite coffee (or tea), and let’s chat about something that can really transform our writing lives: benchmarks. These little milestones will keep us motivated and on track. Whether you’re diving into a sci-fi story, … Continue reading

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Exploring Literary Frontiers: Themes Explored in My Books

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure through books? Hold onto your seats because in my books—Gliese 667, Forbidden Timeline, and Zombie Slayer—we’re about to journey through worlds of adventure, love, and spine-tingling suspense! Let’s zoom in on … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure, Author's Journey, Creative Writing, Genre Writing, Horror, Literary Exploration, My Writings, Paranormal Romance, Reading, Science Fiction, Writing Life, Zombie Slayer | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

10 Dangers of Befriending a Multi-Genre Author

Hey there, bookdragons! So, you’ve decided to befriend an author who dabbles in adventure, poetry, romance, sci-fi, and even books about writing. Grab your favorite beverage, because I’m about to spill the tea on what you’re really in for. Here’s … Continue reading

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Nature’s Muse: Writing Prompts for Your Trailside Adventures

Step outside and let nature be your muse! Whether you’re strolling along a scenic trail or exploring a local park, there’s no shortage of inspiration to be found in the great outdoors. Join me as we embark on a journey … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Challenges, Creative Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Travel, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Update from Dar’s Desk May 2, 2024

Hey there, cosmic adventurers! Hold onto your bookmarks and summon your muse, because we’re about to embark on a literary adventure of cosmic proportions! But before we blast off into the stratosphere of creativity, let’s talk about some exciting developments … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure, Author's Journey, Creative Writing, Fantasy, Literary Exploration, My Writings, Science Fiction, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Insights from 20 Books

Hey, I’m Darlene Reilley. I’m a writer who has embarked on a whirlwind journey through fiction and poetry, crafting tales of reflection, adventure, romance, and sci-fi. With 20 books under my belt, I’ve gathered a few golden nuggets of wisdom … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Creative Writing, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

DarWrites Update

Hey there, fantastic readers and fellow writers! Hope your year is off to a great start! Let me catch you up on the whirlwind of excitement that’s been brewing in my world since we last connected! So, 2024 has been … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure, Anthropology, Author's Journey, Business Growth, Content Writing, Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Genre Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Literary Exploration, My Writings, Office and Organization, Reading, Research, Science Fiction, Workshops, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Leap of Faith: Embracing Your Writing Journey

Hey there, fellow writers. How’s the creative flow treating you today? Are your fingers dancing across the keyboard or your pen gliding effortlessly across the page? Or perhaps you’re grappling with the age-old writer’s block, staring at a blank screen, … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Creative Writing, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

20 Prompts to Imagine Your Ideal Writing Career

Embarking on the journey of a writing career is a thrilling endeavor, filled with boundless possibilities and opportunities for growth. Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or just starting to dip your pen into the inkwell of creativity, envisioning your ideal … Continue reading

Posted in Author's Journey, Business Growth, Creative Writing, Lifestyle & Insights, Writing Craft & Tips, Writing Life, Writing Prompts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment